Shipping Methods

The shipping methods we provide are the following:

  • COURIER - Delivery to your Door

  • COURIER - Address of your choice

Below we will analyze each option separately to solve each of your questions.

COURIER - Delivery to your Door or Address of your choice

If you choose to receive your order at the address where you entered your order will be sent with the partner courier company and the system will automatically charge you the shipping cost. The delivery time from the moment your order is completed is:

  • For Finished Products: Shipping in 1-2 working days.

  • For Extended Delivery products: Shipping in 3-9 working days.

  • On order: Shipping in 10-30 working days.

IMPORTANT: In this case our company assumes responsibility for the safety of the products for any loss or damage that may occur during transport, so if any loss or damage is found you must report it to us within 24 hours.

Shipping charges (Masks only):

  1. For orders up to € 39.9 the shipping costs In prefecture capitals are € 4 and In cities or villages the shipping costs are € 5.
  2. For orders over 40 € shipping is free of charge.

Orders are shipped through General Post or Spidex to the place you stated as the delivery address when completing the order.

Delivery time is 1-2 working days from the date of receipt of the products by the transport company.

IMPORTANT: In case the delivery address is considered by the courier company geographically or kilometers inaccessible, the receipt of the order should be done by the customer at the nearest offices of the General Post Office or Spidex.

In case the address you have stated is considered inaccessible you will be informed by phone or via e-mail from