A. Personal Data Protection Policy

1. Company details



VAT Number: 026847121

Address: Tzoumagias 38, Athens 113-63

Tel: +30 694 4301 656

(may be referred to below as "outlet.atical.com" or also "us", "our")


Full Name: Dededimos Panagiotis

Tel: +30 694 4301 656

Address: Tzoumagias 38, Athens 113-63

2. Processing of Personal Data

Our website complies with the provisions of the European Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data (2016/679) and with the relevant Greek legislation (Law 2472/1997 as in force today) and manages the Personal Data that are disclosed by the subjects of the personal data themselves, ie the natural persons themselves, ensuring, in any case, the protection of this data. In order to ensure the confidentiality and security of Personal Data, our website has taken all the necessary technical and organizational measures, has drawn up internal security policies and informs and trains its staff properly.

This website carries out the processing of Personal Data in accordance with the law, as it collects and processes them exclusively for defined, explicit and legal purposes and only to the extent necessary for the implementation of these purposes. The data it keeps, takes care to be accurate and up to date, always seeking the consent and assistance of individuals to whom this data relates, and retains the data for as long as is necessary to achieve the specific purposes.

3. Personal data we process

outlet.atical.com collects and processes Personal Data, ie any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); the identifiable natural person is one whose identity can be verified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an ID, such as name, ID number, location data, online ID.

The processing of such data means any operation or series of operations carried out with or without the use of automated means, in personal data or in personal data sets, such as the collection, registration, organization, structure, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, retrieval of information, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction;

Personal Data includes, for example, information such as name, home address, e-mail address or telephone number.

For the specific purposes of processing Personal Data, ie for information on products, services, promotions, offers, events and competitions, via email, brochures, newsletter, sms, telephone and other electronic means, as well as for research and statistical purposes, outlet.atical.com collects and processes the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Contact details (your company address, zip code, contact telephone, email address)

In addition, during a visit to the TO-SITE.GR website, automatic and additional data are collected automatically for technical reasons, such as:

  • IP address (Internet Protocol address) of the computer
  • website from which you visit us (recommendation - referrer)
  • our internal pages that you have visited anonymously
  • date and time of visit
  • browser type and browser settings
  • operating system

This data helps us to understand the traffic of our website, to diagnose server problems, to manage our website and to adapt and improve the information and services. As a general rule, we use technical data, however, only to the extent necessary for technical reasons, for the operation and protection of our website and application against attacks and malicious use, as well as in pseudonymous or anonymous form for statistics. aims.

4. Type and Use of Personal Data that we process

Outlet.atical.com collects, processes and uses the Personal Data that mainly concerns you when you visit the company websites, when you register on them, when you log in to an existing customer account that you have created or when you place orders for products or services through the website. The processing of Personal Data is done, as the case may be, in accordance with the relevant legislation and the present privacy policy, or in accordance with the consent given by you, which consent is requested in a special way on each internal contact page or new user registration.

4.a Registration, connection and ordering procedures

When you register and log in, or place an order or you log in and start placing an order but do not complete it, we process and use the personal data and information you provide to us within the framework of applicable data protection law personal. We may use the details of the products and services when you try to order, in order to contact you in the contact details that you provided to us during your registration, and you provide us with your consent.

When you register and log in, or when you place an order or when you log in and start placing an order but do not complete it, we process and use the personal data and information you provide to us within the framework of applicable data protection law personal. We may use the details of the products and services when you try to order, in order to contact you in the contact details that you provided to us during your registration, and you provide us with your consent.

The information we request from you, in order to provide the services that you need, are marked as mandatory fields on this website. Other information is optional. For the conclusion and execution of the contracts, we request, as the case may be, contact information such as the name, the address for delivery and invoicing, as well as information about the payment method that you have chosen. In addition, we use your data in our customer database that we maintain, so that only relevant data is stored there. In order to avoid typing errors and to ensure that the products you have ordered have actually been received by you, we check that the address you have entered is written in full or is correct.

During the payment process, we do not record or store payment information for each transaction, such as credit card numbers or other bank and other information. Our website automatically refers you (or we send you referral instructions) to an external website of the payment service provider (Hellenic Bank or paypal.com) and You provide the payment information directly and exclusively to the respective payment service provider with the security that each such provider offers.

4.b Further information

Outlet.atical.com stores and uses the Personal Data that applies to you, when you contact us by phone, email or through the contact form we maintain, or when you want to send us information in another way and, you transmit the data to us for this specific purpose.

In addition, we store and use data (backups), to the extent that this is necessary to prevent and deal with any possible malicious use or other illegal behavior on our website, e.g. to maintain data security in the event of attacks on our computer systems.

Finally, we store and use your data to the extent that we are legally obliged to do so, for example in the light of a formal directive or a judicial or other decision of the Authorities, as well as to safeguard our rights and claims, as well as to cases of defending the company before justice.

5. Transfer of personal data to Third Parties

Outlet.atical.com uses third-party services and infrastructure and may transmit this data to partner companies within the European Union, which will process the data on behalf of outlet.atical.com, as the sole executors of the processing. and only for the purposes mentioned in term 3. Some of these entities are headquartered in the US and comply with the transnational agreement known as the EU-U.S Privacy Shield. Outlet.atical.com takes all necessary measures to ensure the highest possible level of security.

Outlet.atical.com undertakes that these companies provide the necessary guarantees for the protection of Personal Data and take the appropriate and necessary technical and organizational measures so that the processing is in accordance with the law and to ensure the protection of Personal Data. and the rights of natural persons concerned. Outlet.atical.com states that it has signed contracts in advance with these companies, which include conditions related to the taking of security measures by them and the monitoring by outlet.atical.com of these measures is foreseen.

Additionally, visitor data is provided to third parties, such as Google and Facebook for the purpose of anonymous statistical display of site visits and for advertising purposes, and the display of Remarketing ads on third party sites. These services have posted similar privacy policies.

More about Google privacy policy HERE 

More about Facebook privacy policy HERE.

6.Data Safety

The security of your personal data is a key and high priority for outlet.atical.com. For this reason, we protect your data stored with us through technical measures and appropriate organizational measures to effectively prevent the loss or misuse of this data by third parties. In particular, our employees, who process personal data, are committed to maintaining confidentiality. To protect your personal data, the data is transmitted in encrypted form. We monitor technology developments and adapt relevant technical security measures to ensure the long-term protection of your data.

7. Consent and Rights of a personal data subject

We ask you to read and confirm that you comply with this privacy policy on any personal data entry form, and after you choose to agree, you consent to the processing of the data for the above specific purposes, either from outlet.atical.com or a partner with this company.You can revoke your consent at any time, as well as exercise one of your legal rights, ie to request access to and copying of your data, or to request the correction of inaccurate information, or to request the deletion of restrict the processing of your data, or request the portability of the data in an electronic file for transmission to another processor.

In case of doubt as to the person requesting the disclosure of Personal Data, we may ask you for additional information necessary to confirm your identity as we must handle your requests with due diligence to ensure the security of your data and the protection of your rights.

In the event of a breach of your data and if such breach may jeopardize your rights and freedoms and provided that it does not fall within one of the exceptions expressly provided by law, outlet.atical.com undertakes the obligation inform you of this without undue delay.

8. Cookies

An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing. Cookies make it easy for a website to memorize information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other settings, thus making your future visit easier and the website more useful for you. Cookies play an important role. Without them, using the web would be a much more complicated experience. You can view and manage cookies in your browser (however, some mobile browsers may not offer this feature).

Cookies do not contain personal data and will never allow anyone to contact you when you visit our website by phone, e-mail, etc. In addition, cookies do not provide access to other files and documents on your computer.

In addition, cookies help us see the performance and traffic of our website, improving its presentation and content, according to the preferences of visitors.

From the different types of cookies that exist, we use the following:

Absolutely necessary:

The technically necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website, since they allow you to browse and use its functions. These cookies do not recognize your personal identity. Without these cookies, we can not offer effective operation of our website.

In addition, these cookies allow the website to remember your choices such as font size, or if you have responded to a survey, to provide improved and personalized features.

Performance Cookies (Google analytics):

These cookies collect information about how you use the website, for example, which pages you visit most often. These cookies collect aggregate, anonymous information that does not identify a visitor. They are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website.

Our company uses the Skroutz Analytics service in order to be able to provide the best possible quality of services to the consumer. Through this service, anonymous usage statistics are published on Skroutz.gr, while the data obtained through this service are covered by the privacy policy of Skroutz.gr, which can be found at https://www.skroutz.gr/privacy

Advertising Cookies (Google analytics, Facebook Pixel):

They are cookies created by services provided to us by third parties such as Google and / or Facebook These third party services store cookies to operate and have detailed information and privacy policies.

More about Google privacy policy click HERE

More about Facebook privacy policy click HERE

Disable Cookies 

Most web browsers allow you to control most cookies through your browser settings.

Learn how to manage cookies in popular browsers:

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Apple Safari

If you wish to find information about other browsers, visit the browser developer's website.

In order to opt out of Google Analytics tracking across all sites, visit http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

if you wish to know more on how Facebook handles your data and how cookies work visit https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/

You can find more information about behavioral advertising and privacy on the Internet and adjust your options by visiting http://www.youronlinechoices.com/gr

9.Periodic Changes to Privacy Policy Information

Outlet.atical.com is constantly expanding, updating and improving its website, and related products and services, and will update this policy. We encourage you to read this policy at regular intervals in order to be informed of any changes to the content of this privacy policy. This policy will be modified from time to time without prior notice to users.